Tuesday, October 9, 2012

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ty to get more military medals. Li Ru paused and said, went on: value. Even if laid a spiritual state, beats off XianBei, but the credit for far less than Li Hong's army. an army under General, then all the credit for all us. Li Ru faint smile, said: back to us. Houye to book says Qiu Zhang temperature,north face women s coats, has been relieved of duty,create your own nfl jersey, military matters are handled temporarily by the chancery table Huangpu Song adults is the Book of Order of the chancery station. he will certainly see that our attempt to his Majesty the front to make irresponsible remarks ... Li Ru shook his head, said: not find, only look on in despair that we won the war, and understanding he Huangpu Song dare not talkative. Account all nodded.
very important. To Xianbei people wiped out in the south of the Yellow River. He also pointed to sitting on the side of the trunk Liu Ai said: Li Ru finally could not help but let out a sneer.
Liu Ai Dong Zhuo Nagao, He and Li Ru two of Dong Zhuo's right hand man, but their relationship has been harsh, abusive more than each other. Liu Ai forties, of medium build, looks frail and gentle, he is proficient in astrology familiar with the yin and yang relies Dong Li Ru is to learn Classical Learning, Liu Ai Xi Jinwen Theory, so far from the point of view of the two.
Han Dynasty officials are mostly filled by the study of the classics of Scholars, most of the time Scholars study Jinwen school, the Jinwen school with Chenwei (read chen
?wei) by the number of scholars study surgery has become common practice.

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